As dangerous as it may sound, the Anglo-Saxon Monk is starting to think ahead. He is planning to introduce a few new topics to his website and blog over the coming year and is looking for some feedback from his blessed readers. You see, his creative juices are beginning to flow and he is hoping to break free from his eleventh-century doldrums to venture into a new world of vlogging!
Ideally, he would like to produce regular videos covering topics related to the Anglo-Saxon period: art, cultural history, language... sex and violence, death and destruction... the possibilities are endless. What is needed from you, most blessed ones, is an indication of the types of subjects you might wish to see the Anglo-Saxon Monk address in a 5 minute piece to camera. The material will be factually based, drawing upon a deep well of scholarly study, but you need to be aware that it will be presented by a slightly delusional, grown-up man dressed in Benedictine garb, sitting in his alter ego's twenty-first century home. (Dr Monk has said he doesn't mind too much, and anyway he is being duly compensated.) Moreover, the Anglo-Saxon Monk cannot guarantee he will not succumb to his innate weakness for wit and vivacity. Modest fellow, that he is. So if you're one of the Monk's more serious minded readers (there are some?), you may wish to give this a miss. So get thinking, and let your favourite Anglo-Saxon Monk know what you want by leaving your comments below.