Excitement afoot, blessed readers!
Dr Monk, my alter ego, has informed me that a new book about the Bayeux Tapestry is being launched at the big medieval congress at Leeds. (You can click on the poster for full details about the book.) There are some intriguing essays in this collection, including the first ever study of the back of the Tapestry by an embroidery practitioner, Alexandra Lester-Makin. If you look closely at the cover of the book, you will notice that it is in fact an image of the reverse of the Tapestry that you see! I have to say that Dr Monk's own contribution left me with a familiar sense of despair, for he writes about the naked figures in the borders. What can you say? If you do feel inclined to enter his world of near depravity, blessed ones, you may find the two blog posts I allowed him to write a while back, well, I'd like to say informative, but really it's just filth.